- Mac: Hello, Clestae! How goes your night
- Clestae: It's going pretty well, thanks! Yourself?
- Mac: Mine is going great! How's your summer been treating you?
- Clestae: It's been pretty good, overall! I just graduated with my undergrad, so at this point, it's preparation for grad school!
- Mac: I hope that goes well for you! Let us begin then. You are the beta for Lucid9 and the writer of Airi's route, along with Diamonit, yes?
- Clestae: That is correct.
- Mac: Most people, to my knowledge, don't really know what a beta is and what they do. Clestae, would you care to teach us about betas?
- Clestae: It'd be my pleasure. :) Beta is a term you see more often in places like FanFiction.net or FictionPress.net. In essence, it's an editor but not for just things like punctuation, spelling, grammar, etc. Betas work more with the ideas of a story (characterization, plot, etc.) and in writing, we check for the pacing of the story and whether the characterization presented by the writers matches with how that character is written in the story. For example, if Elizabeth were to suddenly speak with an American Southern accent in a serious matter, I'd be the responsible one to point it out and fix it. :)
- Mac: Thank you for that insightful explanation, Clestae! Now, how exactly do you work with Dia when you write Airi's route?
- Clestae: Before I joined the team, Dia already had a basic outline of what he wanted to have happen in Airi's route. Having me becoming the writer under him was a decision made after I'd already joined. Once I arrived to help, we went through his outline for Airi's route. We'd share ideas back and forth, making sure they aligned with his vision for the route. He always had the last say for anything, of course. XD Once we stamped through an outline of specific events, I basically start writing. He checks in on my writing, makes sure it keeps to his vision and all that. So I had a hand in the idea-forming portion, but I was more of an organizer and "ghost writer" for him, if that makes any sense.
- Mac: Very interesting. Without being partial to Airi, who is your favorite Lucid9 character?
- Clestae: Ah, that's so hard! I suppose I have to pick Rui. She reminds me very, very much of myself when I was, well, her age! Both her strengths and her faults.
- ...I should probably fear all the fanboys who have claimed her as their waifu, shouldn't I?
- Mac: Tsk tsk, you should already fear the fanboys who've claimed you as their waifu (like a certain goat)! Rui is so adorable though! She's definitely a great pick. Clestae, why did you join Lucid9?
- Clestae: Oh boy, true enough. XD Well, truth be told, I'd wanted to do something with visual novels for awhile. I joined Lemmasoft a long time ago, even tried out writing my own VN! But I decided to make a post offering my editing services in the hopes that I'd eventually get noticed for my writing. I had just helped people with editing bits of their VNs here and there, until one day, I was sent a message asked to join Lucid9. Well, I couldn't really say no to a team!
- Mac: I'm glad you joined us, Clestae! Speaking of visual novels, what's your favorite one?
- Clestae: Hm, I'm not exactly well-versed in a lot of VNs besides some of the free ones I perused on Lemmasoft. :( However, despite not being a traditional VN, the Zero Escape series will always be a top favorite of mine. While not quite finished with it, I suppose it shouldn't be too surprising that I'm quite enjoying Remember11 as well :P
- Mac: Excellent choices. Clestae, you know how weird the Lucid9 Skype group can get. What is your favorite moment from the group chat?
- Clestae: Goodness gravy, I'm not sure if I can pinpoint just one. The shipping wars was always...entertaining. XD I also really enjoy how culturally different we are as a group, so teaching each other about our different cultures and homes is always really fun. Once people discovered I actually own a flail in my closet, that led to some interesting conversations...
- Mac: Oh, speaking of that. Who would you rather flail, David or Yuuko?
- Clestae: Nooo, why would you ask such a question? D: Well, considering David has all those smacks in the face lined up for him, I guess I'd have to pick Yuuko...but I'd regret it!
- Mac: Poor David doesn't even have a ship. I'm glad that you chose to murder Yuuko instead. How have you liked working with everyone at Lucid9?
- Clestae: I've quite enjoyed it! Everyone here is friendly and passionate, which is good because I'm a pretty loud and crazy person, myself. :P I've gotten to know a lot of people here on a more personal note, even if I've never met them face-to-face. The Lucid9 crew is very special to me. ^_^
- Mac: I feel the same way. ^^ It seems that I have come to my last and saddest question. Are you ready for it?
- Clestae: Oh no, here it goes. :P
- Mac: What are your plans after Lucid9 is finished?
- Clestae: Well, unfortunately, life will probably happen. I'm going to grad school, so I'll have to eventually learn how to be an adult. :/ Other than that, if we decide to do another project, I'll probably be willing to be a beta again. Other than that, I will probably try to pursue my own writing pursuits--whether that be in novel or VN style. No matter what happens, I do hope to keep in contact with at least some of the Lucid9 crew. :)
- Mac: I really hope you will do something with us again in the future, if we choose to do another project. Anyway, I'm all out of questions! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this with me, Clestae!
- Clestae: No problem! Thanks for the interview!
- Mac: Have a good evening. Goodbye!
- Clestae: You too! See ya!
How’s it going, my peeps? You’ve probably noticed it’s been a long ass time since we’ve wrote anything here. In our defence, riting blogz iz hard, man. I wonder how the hell people do it for a living. Anyway, as an apology for keeping you guys in the dark I’m going to write one long update today. A few days ago, one of our PR guys, Sean, attended the Gaming Convention GenCon and handed out 100 fliers advertising Lucid9. So if you’re one of those 100 people, thanks for checking out our website! Here’s Sean handing out the fliers along with the complimentary kittens. (I’m just kitten around. We can’t afford 100 cats, the colored ink was expensive enough.) Praise my amazing photoshop skillz. A kitten the size of a small dog. In other news, we’ve been making a reasonable amount of progress with development. Here’s a general rundown of what’s going on in each department. Music: I’m excited to say we have a few new tracks made by our composer 13lueH0ur. (Seems like I can’t directly embed audio into this post, so I’ll have to settle for a link to our Soundcloud.) So please click here to feel like a badass. Art: A lot of things have been happening in the art department, so I’m not sure where to start first… Let’s see… Yuuko’s holding his own with the BGs, as you can see in the test scene above featuring Misaki in downtown Isamu. I still wonder how he manages to get the BGS to look so damn pretty. Sorry, Yu. I meant “handsome”. If you’ve played the demo, some of you probably noticed we have a few easter eggs scattered around in the backgrounds. Do they mean something important? You’ll have to wait until Lucid9 is released to find out. For now, we’ll let you all speculate. And then we’ll laugh at how far off your guesses are. (Evil, I know.) Recently, Dizzy began sketching drafts of the CGs for Common Route. Sadly I can’t share them right now because that will ruin the experience for you guys seeing them in-game. So I’ll leave you with, “they look fantabulous.” Elphaze is working on matching the male characters art style to the females, and she’s doing a pretty damn good job, if you ask me. Here’s a draft of Yahiko she sketched up the other day. (Sexy, I know.) Also, after a brief discussion a few weeks ago we’ve decided not to have chibi art in Lucid9, so we currently only have an opening for another background artist. If you’re interested, be sure to drop by our Apply page at our website.
Writing: - Common Route Writing has been going well. Luna Chai is handling some of the revisions and foreshadowing in Common Route. Immediately after that business is settled, the editors should be doin’ they thang and sprucing up the drafts. The release date for the Common Route demo is still undetermined right now, but I’ll let you all know as soon as that changes. - Heroine Routes Clestae and Player have started drafting the first few days of their routes, and I should be writing soon as well once I sort out a few more things. At some point, we’ll need to schedule a Writer’s Meeting to discuss ironing out the links between all of the routes. That should be fun. Aaaaand looks like that’s all. To sum it up, we be doin’ da workz. If you have any questions about anything feel free to write us here or at our forums or through carrier pigeon. As always, thanks for reading and I’ll see you in the next post. ~ David |
July 2024