Lucid9 is a noncommercial, mystery visual novel created by Fallen Snow Studios, an international team of creative developers formed in 2014. Inciting Incident, the first part of the story, is available free of charge under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND License, and is published by Sekai Project on Steam and
Lucid9 focuses on a web of intricate mysteries set in the fictional metropolis of Isamu. You play as Yama Ishimoto, a cynical high school student who would like nothing more than to keep his life free of drama and hard choices. However, he’s forced to face his demons when an eccentric detective blazes into his life, alerting him of a string of disappearances at his school.
As Yama is thrown into the forefront of the investigation, he must dig through the secrets of the city, bringing him and his friends closer and closer to danger in the process. Every step leads Yama to the most unexpected - and terrifying - culprit…
We are looking for an additional scenario writer to assist us in completing one of the four heroine routes currently in development.
Initial Guidelines:
- Must be 18 years of age or older.
- Must have knowledge of the visual novel medium.
- Must have a background in script writing.
- Experience in game development is preferred, but not required.
- Discord for communication
Role Description:
Scenario writers are the foundation of the project and can be one of the more demanding positions. Art, music, and programming rely on the direction of the scripts, so we are looking for adept individuals with good time management and leadership skills to take on the role. Those interested are expected to write a 2,000+ word scene (which include programming cues, so content would be less) every two weeks at the minimum, but deadlines can be negotiated. The entirety of the heroine route is estimated to be around 120,000 words in length (again, including programming cues). Several scenes have already been drafted along with a general outline of the route, so work will continue from where the previous writer left off.
While scenario writers have some creative liberty developing their respective routes’ theme and characterization, they must still adhere to the overall structure and plot of the story. Those interested in the position will be working closely with our director/plot supervisor and are expected to maintain a reasonable amount of contact with them during development.
If you are interested in applying, please fill out the application form by clicking on the button below. We will not accept submissions if they are sent to us any other way. If you have further questions about the position, feel free to contact us. Thank you for your time and we look forward to your application!