You can find the surprise promised in our last post on the Greenlight page : it is a new trailer made for Inciting Incident! Here is the video:
I hope you're as hyped as we are for the release of Inciting Incident!
Lucid9 is now on Steam Greenlight! Thanks a lot to Sekai Project for helping us setting up the whole Greenlight page. Please support us and share the word, your vote means a lot to us! Don't hesitate to leave a comment on the page either! You can find the surprise promised in our last post on the Greenlight page : it is a new trailer made for Inciting Incident! Here is the video: A big thanks to Suna for making this new trailer, and thanks to Dizzyworld2 for making the chibi art!
I hope you're as hyped as we are for the release of Inciting Incident!
I hope everyone is doing well on this new year, on our side things are being quite hectic with the release getting closer and closer. Art, music and writing are being made at a very fast pace, and we are all doing our best to deliver the demo as fast as we can.
Talking about the demo, we wanted to announce this release will be called "Inciting Incident" (if you were wondering what was this new tab on the website, now you know). Why Inciting Incident? We figured it reflected well the premise of the release : murders (or incidents) that will change forever the lives of the protagonists. The Greenlight campaign for Inciting Incident is also coming soon, I'll make another blog post when the time comes. You might also have noticed that the website and blog have slightly changed :
Now, onto the part that really interests you, the new released content that we can share with you : First, a CG background speedpaint realized by Luna Chai (Sprite work was done by Dizzyworld2) We've updated it some time ago, but if you haven't checked it, there are some new updated tracks on our soundcloud account. Despite having quite a bit of music for demo 2.0, the departure of all of our composers at the time forced us to redo a good chunk of the OST (we only kept 6 tracks from demo 2.0 out of the 30 tracks we have for Inciting Incident). That's about it for this update! More to come soon with the greenlight announcement and a surprise! 2016 is definitely going to be a big year for Lucid9, and we hope you'll be here to support us! Diamonit PS: Since winter is finally coming, make sure to wear a warm sweater like Akira! (drawn by Dizzy) |
July 2024